Rad Dads – Lessons from Our Fathers


No matter the label, whether Dad, Coach, Mentor, or Friend, someone we can rely on for advice and a helping hand can make a huge difference in how we grow up and continue to learn.

From ‘treat people how you want to be treated’ to ‘save 20% of every paycheque’, a little advice can go a long way, so we wanted to share some of the lessons we’ve picked up through our travels, in conversations with our father-figures, or have passed onto our own kids.


“Love everyone. Be nice. Listen and have fun. I feel like I say this to my kids endlessly. The one thing they get of mine as much as possible is my time. I want them to love asking me to do things with them and I build out a time or on the weekends to be all theirs. I love being a dad. It’s the greatest accomplishment of my life.” – Matt Keenan. Director of Sales, N. America – BN3TH




“I haven’t been at it for too long, but I learned from my dad to be kind to everyone and - to put it in BN3TH’s terms - be good for nothing.  He has always been a kind person to everyone he meets, and he never has a mean-hearted thing to say about anyone.  Set an example like that and everything else just follows.” - Paolo Gaspar, Intermediate Accountant - BN3TH




“Never giving up!! I have had such highs and lows in my career, and never giving up, chasing a goal, and crushing it is always something that I will teach my kids!” – Brett Turcotte, Professional X Games Athlete and BN3TH Entourage member.





“It’s alright to fail. If we learn from what happened and keep going, then it wasn’t a wasted opportunity. Sometimes we make mistakes, and sometimes they’re big ones. Find the solution and move on. Oh, and your words are powerful. Use them to lift people up.” – James Smith, Social Media Specialist – BN3TH




And lastly, Darren Hawrish, BN3TH’s CEO wanted to share a poem:


Original by Edgar A Guest

You got it from your father
It was all he had to give
So it’s yours to use and cherish
For as long as you may live

If you lost the watch he gave you
It can always be replaced;
But a black mark on your name
Can never be erased

It was clean the day you took it
And a worthy name to bear
When he got it from his father
There was no dishonor there

So make sure you guard it wisely
After all is said and done
You’ll be glad the name is spotless
When you give it to your son



Being a parent is a huge responsibility and one that will always have both challenges and moments that are so full of love you won’t know how to express it. Every lesson we learn along the way is an opportunity to help nurture the next generation, giving them the power and freedom to outshine those who came before them.   



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